To populate a patient's chart with any prescription medications the SureScripts database can be accessed to see all medications the patient picked up from their pharmacy. Some pharmacies do not participate, but most will be found here. From this window the MA can verify with the patient that they are still taking the medication and with a click add it to the medication list. OTC products should also be added to the medication list in the ePrescribing module after asking the patient for their list. At times a supplement a patient is taking will be flagged as an issue with a medication being prescribed, but only if it is listed in the Med List in the eScripts module.
When opening the patient eScripts window the user may or may not see a link for Fill History.
Click on Compose Rx to refresh if you don't see the link for prescription history.

If a history is found then the following option appears.
If there is no available history that will be indicated.
Note that the message may vary depending on the insurance provider and pharmacy history.
Click on the SureScripts Drug History link and the following screen will appear. 4 months is a good option.

Click to Request the prescription history and import.
A history of the patient's prescribed medications will be listed.
Verify the accuracy with the patient.
Place a check to the left of any medications you want imported into the Medication List.
Click 'Add to Current Meds' to populate the Medication List. There may be multiple entries for individual medications - only pick one.
Note that the left side shows medications currently in the patient's chart and the list on the right side is a list of medications the patient has received from their pharmacy including those from other providers.