Electronic Health Information Export File Detail
File Name Notes.CSV
Description This file contains the text stored for the Patients Notes, inclusive of Office Visits, Nurses Notes, Procedure Notes and all other Notes generated in the EHR. Included for patients is, Note Name, Visit Date of Service, Visit Unique ID, Note Element ID, Note Element Name and Note Text.
Column DataType Description
MRNumber varchar Patient ID (MRNumber)
Note Name varchar Name of the Note. Example: Progress Note, Office Note, Initial Consult, Follow Up Visit, Echo Note, Stress Note, Nurses Note, etc...
Visit Date of Service varchar Date of the Patients Visit, aka Date of Service Example: "2021-06-30", "2021-07-30"
Visit ID BigInt Unique Visit ID used to allow linkage of the multiple Note Elements
Note Element ID Int Unique Identifier for the Note Element. eMedRec stores note data in Text Fields that are linked via a Unique Note Element ID that correlates to the Data in the Note
Note Element Name varchar Element Name for the section of the Note, examples, History of Present Illness, Social History, Impression, Plan, etc...
Note Text varchar The detailed text associated to the Element Unique Id and the Unique VisitId that is the actual dictation/typing/data entery from the Note Creator