Electronic Health Information Data Extract Specificatons
The Links below define the structure of the ASCII CSV files that contain the data sets that are part of electronic health information (EHI). Each page contains a description of the files and its data, the names of the field name and field definition within each file inclusive of notes/comments of the field.

Any blank fields or fields with Database Default values should be considered not to be actual data, i.e. 1900-01-01 Date.

The EHI export contains proprietary codes provided by eMedRec by Holt Systems, Inc. Included 3rd party data. By downloading this data, you agree not to utilize 3rd party proprietary data for commercial use and only use it for internal/non-commercial use. Due to the presence of Personal Health Information that is sensitive in nature, the data should be reviewed and excluded before sharing it with outside of the original providers for the practice.

Last updated: 12/14/2023